With Albury, you are the publisher

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The Albury BookShelf gives you the flexibility to publish and sell your books through your own online bookshop. Get published and take control over your sales, all in one place.

With our revolutionary Albury BookShelf interface, you can always be in control of the books you publish and the price you sell your books at. You can also host links to your Albury BookShelf on social media and on your own website and blogs, enabling you to tap into a developed customer-base.

With options to sell instantly downloadable ebooks, plus paperbacks and hardbacks – all of which are printed using a high-quality Print-On-Demand service - you are always at the helm of the process, from start to finish. With the Albury BookShelf, you can take your time to promote your book and encourage sales, knowing that each order is already paid for before it gets to the printer. In fact, you won’t ever have to hold stock – our printers ship directly to each of your customers, worldwide.

This is Albury. The future of Publishing.

Albury Shops